Dasha Dollar Smirnova is passionate about teaching people how to speak confidently in public. She is both the founder and lead coach of Frog Talk, a UK-based startup.

She started Frog Talk in 2016 and started developing her own unique methodology and approach. This led her to start a Master of Science in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health at King's College.

The intersection of Theater, Business and Neuroscience is what makes Frog Talk different; and this is what excited me about taking on this project.

Some of the services she offers includes:

Public Speaking Workshops, One-on-one coaching and Interview Preparation.

Find your unique voice

Now Viewing: A video trailer of Dasha Dollar-Smirnova's online public speaking course.


Dasha wants to increase contact form submissions on her website, but most importantly, she wants to convert those leads into paying customers.

She believes her website currently doesn't convey enough credibility and thus suffers from a lack of form submissions.

She successfully launched a Public Speaking course on Domestika.com, and wonders how she can onboard those students on her own website and incentivise them to become regular customers.


By redesigning and displaying more information on the homepage, we would build greater Credibility and Trust.

  1. By designing a seamless Contact Us flow, we would get more form submissions and less drop offs

  2. By designing a Free Initial Consultation path, we would get more leads and website conversions

Proposed Solution

  1. A revamped homepage with Social Proof, Endorsements, and Instructor Accolades

  2. Contact Us CTAs that are prominent throughout the website experience

  3. CTA for Free Initial Consultation is fixed on the homepage and the interactive calendar allows users to seamlessly book their call

Stakeholder Interview

We focused on the following key insights from the Stakeholder Interview:

  • 20 minute free consultations led to higher conversions

  • While executive clients are more lucrative, youth segments bring joy and purpose to the founder’s life

  • The brand doesn’t take itself too seriously, an element of fun is integral to the messaging

  • Drama and Business tend to be on opposite ends of the Public Speaking spectrum, the brand is somewhere in between, with an edge of Neuroscience

User Interviews

Our next step was to gather data from potential users. We then crafted a user questionnaire to answer the following questions:

  1. What information do you need to know before booking a new course/coaching program?

  2. What would make you choose one coaching platform over another?

User Insights

Through our user interviews, we extracted the following major pain points:

  • Need to ensure coach is credible

  • Need social proof about the website

  • Need assurance that results can be delivered

  • Need transparency in regards to time commitment and pricing

  • Need more examples of impactful female speakers

Proposed Solution

Therefore, our proposed solution would have to offer:

  • Coach Credibility

  • Social Proof

  • Results

  • Time Commitment and Pricing

  • Relatable Examples

Value Proposition Canvas

We applied the Value Proposition Canvas Framework to generate feature and content ideas for our solution.


  • Add Brand Video to Homepage

  • Add Services section

  • Add Short and Punchy Student Reviews

  • Add Partnership and Corporate Client Logos

  • Add FAQ section

  • Add Programs section for Events

  • Add Topics that Programs cover

  • Add How it Works section


  • Quick user flow to book free consultation

  • Structured Navigation

  • Responsiveness

  • New Menu Sections

  • Interactive booking calendar

  • Clean formatting for About Us section

  • Fixed CTA button for booking consultation


We wanted to form a deeper understanding of our users' goals, needs, experiences, and behaviors. So, we created 3 personas for each of our user segments. They were based on user interviews and surveys, and we kept updating them throughout the project as we gathered more data. We used these personas whenever we wanted to step out of ourselves and reconsider our initial ideas.

Problem Statement & Hypothesis

Elizabeth, Lucinda and Alex are professionals looking for public speaking help who need a credible coach because they want to relate and learn from someone they can trust.

We believe that by highlighting the credible aspects of Dasha’s business, we will achieve more engagement. We will know this to be true when we see an increase in conversions and form submissions.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

High Fidelity Wireframes

Website Mockup

Prototype & Usability Testing

We tested our lead-generation form with a group of young professionals in creative and tech fields. They were prompted to book a free consultation with a coach and instantly knew where to look and how to complete the process until submission.

It was done in an average of 20 seconds, with no confusion or technical obstacles, except for a few comments about text size and not being able to click on certain design elements.

We prompted the individuals to further do a run-through of the website and talk us through their feelings and expectations. They were satisfied with the information sections presented and felt the company’s purpose was clearly communicated.

We will conduct further Usability tests to optimise the navigation and user flows of the website.

Recommendations & Next Steps


  • Set up Analytics

  • Transparent Pricing

  • Payment on the website

  • Account Creation

  • Online Scheduling for Sessions

  • Multiple languages

  • Join as a Coach functionality

  • Referral System

  • Press Releases and Interviews

  • Designated page to describe Female initiatives

Brand & Marketing

  • Creation of Brand and Style Guide

  • Creation of Concept Video for Companies

  • Collaboration with Universities and Schools

  • Endorsements

  • Digital Marketing Campaigns to target Youth


What we learned

  • The importance of asking the right questions (especially in user interviews)

  • “Good enough” is better than Perfectionism

  • Focus on the website experience, not Public Speaking as a discipline

What we could’ve done differently

  • To start with a low fidelity prototype then add in the UI and brand elements

  • Not to start designing without a style guide

  • To phase out new feature and content ideas


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